How to Grow Eyebrows Thicker?

Nothing is better than employing natural remedies when it comes to enhancing the eyebrows growth.

One’s features and personality are thought to be highlighted by precisely formed eyebrows. Although pencil-thin eyebrows predominated the fashion world not too long ago, big eyebrows have since become popular. Everyone is looking for suggestions to have great, shapely brows now that bigger eyebrows are back in vogue. On the big screen and on the catwalks, women can be seen wearing them. One of the features of the face that people notice the most are their eyebrows; the thicker they are, the more prominent your eyes will appear. Additionally, thick brows look good with any makeup. However, not everyone can lay natural claim to having thick brows. Some of us struggle with thin, scarce eyebrows, and we are constantly looking for ways to thicken them. You can either rely on your salon or parlour for the same or try a few home treatments. Even if there isn’t a secret method to regrow eyebrow hair over night, there are several items that can speed up the process. And natural therapies are the best solution for this.

Here is the best way to grow thick eyebrows naturally:

Anahata’s ‘Noor’ is a traditional eyelash and eyebrow growth oil that strengthens the hair and protects it from further breaking. Traditional ingredients like argan oil, sandalwood, and almond oil are used in this overnight nourishing concoction. Regular use of Noor will give your brows a natural shape and increase lash volume. It can also be used to prepare your lashes before applying mascara.

How to use?

Draw the spoolie out from the bottle, press the excess oil out and apply by combing through your brows in the direction of the eye brow. Avoid blinking the eye when you apply this growth oil on your eyes. Leave overnight and wash with a mild face wash the next morning. For external use only Store in a cool and dry place.